Board and chalk were the tools to teach.
As teachers of 21st century, we need to face the new shifts in education and the challenges of using new tools and resources.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Catching up

What a fantastic discovery: MOOCs.
What are they?
Well, they are the massive open online courses that we can find in the ciber space.
I got an invitation from a friend to participate in a Coursera course. I oppened the link and my mind was blown away with the fact that a free online course was offered, at the Edimburgh University, and the professors (5) called themselves instructors.
I was introduced to concepts like:
  • digital culture
  • digital natives and digital immigrants
  • utopia and dystopia
  • digital artefacts
  • e-learning
  • many more
It was not easy I must say. There is so much to read, to think about, to reflect and to apply in teaching that I felt overwhelmed. But we have to start somehow, because that is all it matters, to start.
One firs step is with questions or statements that we can reflect on or discuss, so here are a couple:
  1. Is technology a tool that drives changes and creates society or is it the other way around?
  2. How hard could it be to be "human" in a world ruled by technology?
Hope readers of this blog participate.

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